Get 2 free weeks of U.S. market forecasts; See now what other investors see eventually

See Now What Other Investors See Eventually — Free for Two Full Weeks!

Get two free weeks of charts, videos, forecasts and analysis
from Elliott Wave International’s U.S. Financial Forecast Service. Learn more

When it comes to market forecasts, conventional analysts look at all the wrong indicators: the Federal Reserve, the latest economic data, the political campaign, or the trending financial scandal of the week.

At Elliott Wave International, we don’t. Readers often ask us, "Why?"

Our answer is simple:

"Because the financial markets have a life of their own."

In other words: We know that today’s news only describes what already happened — by definition, it cannot alert readers to what’s next.

By contrast, EWI focuses on one thing: Delivering tomorrow’s news today. In turn, we help our subscribers see now what other investors see eventually.

The basis of the Elliott wave model of market forecasting is not complex, but it is counterintuitive. Human beings are creatures of habit. Their collective behavior is patterned, and those patterns are recognizable. Once you learn to recognize those patterns, you will be able to anticipate when the turns and trends are likely to unfold.

Because pattern recognition is our bread and butter, our work always features lots of price charts.

Now through Nov. 19, we are holding a FREE event to give you a taste of what it’s like to be a subscriber — charts, videos, forecasts, analysis and all. Learn more

The first video, "Buy and Hold or Sell and Fold? Where are the Markets Heading?" was just posted for participants — join in and watch it now!

It’s your introduction to pattern analysis, market timing, and how to recognize potential pitfalls and opportunities using the Elliott wave model of market forecasting.

Now, if you would rather follow the headlines, our services are not for you. But before you make that decision, please consider this:

  • The conventional experts failed to alert you to the 78% crash in oil prices in 2008,
  • They failed to warn you about a topping real estate market in 2005,
  • They failed to talk about the risks of a major reversal in stock prices leading up to the 2008 crash,
  • And they failed to anticipate the subsequent rally starting in March 2009.

EWI subscribers DID know about all of these major reversals BEFORE they became painfully obvious to everyone else.

This is your opportunity to see what we see nowfree for two full weeks.

No credit card or personal information is required beyond creating a free account to access your free charts, videos, forecasts and analysis.

See now what others see eventually.

Follow this link to join in now and learn what you’ll get during this limited-time event — including EWI’s U.S. charts, videos, forecasts and analysis FREE for 2 full weeks.

About the Publisher, Elliott Wave International
Founded in 1979 by Robert R. Prechter Jr., Elliott Wave International (EWI) is the world’s largest market forecasting firm. Its staff of full-time analysts provides 24-hour-a-day market analysis to institutional and private investors around the world.