48 Hours Left in FreeWeek: FreeWeek ends noon Wednesday, Nov. 11, but there’s still time to get completely complimentary access to a wealth of current analysis and forecasts for U.S. markets! Our friends over at Elliott Wave International are offering Robert Prechter’s latest monthly market letter, The Elliott Wave Theorist, for free along with the firm’s most popular U.S. analysis and forecasting publications. You can now download, print and read dozens of chart-filled pages of current analysis for U.S. stocks, the economy, precious metals, bonds, U.S. dollar and more — and it’s all free for this week only. . Learn more about FreeWeek, and get your free reports here.
Last week was an exciting one in the markets. And FreeWeek attendees have been enjoying the ride. This week, with all the ho-hum around Wednesday’s Fed meeting, should provide some important clues surrounding the near- and intermediate-term direction for U.S. stocks.
FreeWeek Update: Elliott Wave International’s publications have alerted subscribers — and FreeWeek attendees — that volume and breadth readings have been contracting throughout the multi-month rally, which signals a critical juncture ahead. EWI Chief Market Analyst Steve Hochberg wrote in his Wednesday Short Term Update, "(On Tuesday), the VIX closed back within two standard deviations of its 20-period moving average, which for the past seven months, has resulted in a near-term rally." On Wednesday, stocks closed up; Thursday saw a huge rally. On Friday morning, the Dow regained the 10,000 level. But the Update reports that the "next leg … is fast approaching."
There’s still time to get complete access to EWI’s latest monthly reports and the Monday, Wednesday, Friday Short Term Update. A brand-new Update is online now. Read it for free when you join FreeWeek.
You can also download more than 4 of EWI’s latest monthly reports and read this week’s issues of Short Term Update. It’s all yours for free only during FreeWeek.
Learn more about FreeWeek, and download your free reports here.
About the Publisher, Elliott Wave International
Founded in 1979 by Robert R. Prechter Jr., Elliott Wave International (EWI) is the world’s largest market forecasting firm. Its staff of full-time analysts provides 24-hour-a-day market analysis to institutional and private around the world.